Community Stability in Freshwater Mesocosms
Community Stability in Freshwater Mesocosms
During my Postdoc at McGill, I studied how evolution modifies stability of aquatic (meta)communities using a Large Experimental Array of Ponds (LEAP) at McGill Gault Nature Reserve in Mont St.-Hilaire. In these ponds (107 of them!) we assembled natural lake water communities and tracked these communities over the field season 2018. We were interested in the impact of environmental stress (acidification) on ecosystem stability. We found that adaptation can help ecosystems to maintain their natural variability in a highly stressful environment. The paper was published in March 2021 at Oikos. The preprint is publicly accessible on bioRxiv here.
Please email me if you would like a pdf of the published paper.
All about LEAP and the projects carried out in 2016, 2017 and 2018 you can find here.