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Google Scholar profile
23 Limberger, R.°, Daugaard, U.°, Choffat, Y., Gupta, A., Jelić, M., Jyrkinen, S., Krug, R.M., Nohl, S., Pennekamp, F., van Moorsel, S.J., Zheng, X., Zuppinger-Dingley, D., Petchey, O.L. 2025. Biodiversity has opposite effects on the forecastability of species abundances in constant versus declining light. preprint (under review)
°co-first authors
22 Santos, M.J.°, Zu, P.°, Zuppinger-Dingley, D., Eppinga, M., Gupta, A., Pennekamp, F., Li, C., Mayor, S., Stefanini, C., Tokumoto, Y., van Moorsel, S.J., De La Harpe, M., Reader, M., Mo, L., Muccione, V., Schuman, M.C. 2025. Causal discovery in biodiversity-mediated social-ecological systems. preprint
°co-first authors
21 Tang, T., Schmid, B., Schuman, M.C., Bongers, F., Li, S., Liang, Y., van Moorsel, S.J., von Oheimb, G., Durka, W., Bruelheide, H., Ma, K., Liu, X. 2025. Identifying tree genotypes for high-performance mixed forests. (revised for New Phytologist)
20 Willemin, R., Krug, C.B, Roux, N., Bürgi Bonami, E., Chesney, M., Curnow, B., Deutsch, S., Eppinga M.B., Jacobi, J., van Moorsel, S.J., Petibon, F., Schuh, L., Sonderegger, G., Waeber, P.O., Santos, M.J. 2025. Unmute Biodiversity risks of Free Trade? the EFTA - Mercosur Agreement (Swiss) case study. Environmental Sciences Europe (accepted)
19 Kurath, D. °, van Moorsel, S.J. °, Klaver, J., Voortman, T., Siegfried, B., Bruegger, Y.-A., Moradi, A., Czyz, E.A., de La Harpe, M., Wiesenberg, G.L.B., Schaepman, M., Schuman, M.C. 2025. Leaf spectroscopy reveals drought response variation in Fagus sylvatica saplings from across the species' range. JGR: Biogeosciences 130(2): e2024JG008404
°co-first authors
If you don't have access to the publication, you can find the preprint here.
18 Schmid, M.W., Moradi, A., Leigh, D.M., Schuman, M.C., van Moorsel, S.J. 2024. Covering the bases: population genomic structure of Lemna minor and the cryptic species L. japonica in Switzerland. Ecology and Evolution 14(6): e11599 (open access)
17 Vámos, S., Li, C., Moradi, A., van Moorsel, S.J. 2023. High tolerance to zinc but no evidence for local adaptation in the aquatic plant Lemna minor. Nordic Journal of Botany e04078 (open access)
16 Jewell Davidson M., van Moorsel, S.J., Bell, G. 2023. Presence of the microbiome decreases fitness and modifies phenotype in the aquatic plant Lemna minor. AoB PLANTS 15(4): plad026 (open access)
15 Jewell Davidson M., van Moorsel, S.J., Bell, G. 2023. Geographical distribution of floating aquatic plants in relation to environmental conditions in southern Quebec, Canada. Aquatic Botany 187: 103657
See also the openly accessible preprint.
14 Limberger, R., Daugaard, U., Gupta, A., Krug, R., Lemmen, K., van Moorsel, S.J., Suleiman, M., Zuppinger-Dingley, D., Petchey, O. L. 2023. Functional diversity can facilitate the collapse of an undesirable ecosystem state. Ecology Letters 26(6): 883–895 (open access)
13 van Moorsel, S.J., Thébault, E., Radchuk, V., Narwani, A., Montoya J.M., Dakos V., Holmes, M., De Laender, F., Pennekamp, F. 2023. Predicting effects of multiple interacting global change drivers across trophic levels. Global Change Biology 29(5): 1223–1238 (open access)
The code to reproduce the proof-of-concept model is available on Zenodo.
12van Moorsel, S.J. 2022. The importance of ecotype diversity on duckweed growth with and without salt stress. Journal of Plant Ecology 15 (5): 1065–1079 (open access)
The data to this paper are freely available on Zenodo.
11 Lanthemann, L. & van Moorsel, S.J. 2022. Species interactions in three Lemnaceae species growing along a gradient of zinc pollution. Ecology and Evolution, 12:e8646 (open access)
The data to this paper are publicly available on Data Dryad.
10 Schmid, M.W.°, van Moorsel, S.J.°, Hahl, T., De Luca, E., Wagg, C., De Deyn, G.B., Niklaus, P., Schmid, B. 2021. Effects of plant community history, soil legacy and plant diversity on soil microbial communities. Journal of Ecology, 109(8): 3007–3023 (open access)
°co-first authors
The data to this paper are publicly available on Zenodo (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4596692) and SRA (accession PRJNA639013).
9 van Moorsel, S.J., Marleau, J.N., Negrin Dastis J.O., Bazerghi, C., Fugère V., Petchey, O.L., Gonzalez, A. 2021. Prior exposure to stress prevents the loss of an ecosystem cycle during acidification. Oikos, 130(7): 1062–1073
The data to this paper are publicly available on Data Dryad.
2020 and before
8 van Moorsel, S.J., Hahl, T., Petchey, O.L., Ebeling A., Eisenhauer, N., Schmid, B., Wagg, C. 2020. Co-occurrence history increases ecosystem stability and resilience in experimental plant communities. Ecology, 102(1):e03205
The data to this paper are publicly available on Pangaea.
7 Hahl, T.°, van Moorsel, S.J.°, Schmid, M.W., Zuppinger-Dingley, D., Schmid, B., Wagg, C. 2019. Plant responses to diversity-driven selection and associated rhizosphere microbial communities. Functional Ecology 34(3): 707–722 (open access)
°co-first authors
6 van Moorsel, S.J.°, Schmid, M.W.°, Wagemaker, C.A.M., van Gurp T., Schmid, B., Vergeer, P. 2019. Evidence for rapid evolution in a grassland biodiversity experiment. Molecular Ecology 28:4097–4117
°co-first authors
Data availability: Data is freely available on Zenodo and SRA (accession ID SRP132258).
5 Schmid, M.W.°, Hahl, T.°, van Moorsel, S.J.°, Wagg, C., De Deyn, G.B., Schmid, B. 2019. Feedbacks of plant identity and diversity on the diversity and community composition of rhizosphere microbiomes from a long-term biodiversity experiment. Molecular Ecology 28:863–878 (open access via this link)
°co-first authors
Data availability: Short-reads are available at the Short Read Archive (accession number SRP105254). Supplementary tables and files are publicly accessible online and on Zenodo.
4 van Moorsel, S.J., Schmid, M.W., Hahl, T., Zuppinger-Dingley, D., Schmid, B. 2018. Selection in response to community diversity alters plant performance and functional traits. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 33:51–61
3 van Moorsel, S.J.°, Hahl, T.°, Wagg, C., De Deyn, G.B., Flynn, D.F.B, Zuppinger-Dingley, D., Schmid, B. 2018. Community evolution increases plant productivity at low diversity. Ecology Letters 21:128–137.
°co-first authors
The data to this paper are publicly available on Pangaea.
2 Yamasaki, E., Altermatt, F., Cavender-Bares, J., Schuman, M.C., Zuppinger-Dingley, D., Garonna, I., Schneider, F., Guillen, C., van Moorsel, S.J., Hahl, T., Schmid, B., Schaepman-Strub, G., Schaepman, M.E., Shimizu, K.K. 2017. Genomics meets remote sensing in global change studies: monitoring and predicting phenology, evolution and biodiversity. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 29:177–186.
1 Svercel, M., Saladin, B., van Moorsel, S.J., Wolf, S., Bagheri, H.C. 2011. Antagonistic interactions between filamentous heterotrophs and the cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum. BMC research notes 4:357. (open access)
Other publications
3 van Moorsel, S.J. 2021. Born with a silver spoon: Dandelion parents’ life experiences affect the lives and afterlives of their offspring. (Invited commentary) New Phytologist, 229(6):043-3047 (open access)
2 van Moorsel, S.J. 2018. Personal Profile. New Phytologist 217:993–994.
1 van Moorsel, S.J. 2017. PhD Thesis: University of Zurich
Community Evolution increases Ecosystem Functioning and Stability