Sofia J.
van Moorsel


Upcoming Talks

Upcoming talks

Please contact me about giving a talk. I'd be happy to come speak at your Department/University or to contribute virtually to your Seminar Series.

Past talks

18 June 2024 World Biodiversity Forum in Davos, Switzerland. I presented in the session on using spectroscopy to quantify genetic diversity in plants.

17 April 2024 EARSEL imaging spectroscopy workshop in Valencia, Spain (poster presentation)

8 April 2024 Seminar at the Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Thanks to Tobias Züst for inviting me and to everyone for the interesting discussions and interest.

4 December 2023 Kurzreferat am FAN-Anlass, Universität Zürich, Schweiz.

9 November 2023 Research seminar at Leipzig University on the Response of beech seedlings to simulated drought in a common garden. I'd like to thank Annalena Lenk and the Wirth and Weigelt groups for the invitation and the great discussion after the talk.

15 September 2023. GfÖ annual meeting, Leipzig, Germany. It was such a pleasure to contribute to the symposium on response diversity. A brief report on the entire symposium can be found here.

27 June 2023. Biodiversity Convention, Monte Verita, Switzerland. I gave an oral presentation entitled Linking spectral and genetic variation of beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica) in a common garden experiment.

25 January 2023. SwissPLANT Meeting, Les Diablerets, Switzerland. I gave an oral presentation on our project Intraspecific trait variation of beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica) in a common garden experiment and the broader context and vision of this research.

7 December 2022. PSC Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland. I presented a poster on Intraspecific trait variation of beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica) in a common garden experiment at the Plant Science Center Symposium in Zurich. I really enjoyed the discussions!

August '22. Ecological Society of America (ESA) and Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) joint annual meeting, Montreal, Canada. Title of the talk: Evidence for high tolerance to a metal pollutant, but not local adaptation in the aquatic plant species complex Lemna gibba/minor.

This talk I had to cancel due to COVID travel restrictions.
December, '21. British Ecological Society (BES) annual meeting, Liverpool, UK. Title of the talk: Species interactions modify the tolerance of three duckweed species to the heavy metal zinc.

11 November, '21. University of Zurich, BEES internal seminar, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies. Title of the talk: The importance of intraspecific diversity and species interactions on duckweed growth in polluted environments.

September, '21. Macrophyte-Workshop, University of Fribourg (Jardin botanique), Switzerland. I had the opportunity to give an introduction about the fascinating group of duckweed to a group of macrophyte experts from all over Switzerland.

May, '21. 33rd PopBio Conference, Prague. I presented my talk Effects of ecotype identity and diversity on the response of duckweed communities to salt stress. Thanks to the PopBio organizers for their effort, it was a really great conference.

May, '21. Department of Aquatic Ecology, EAWAG, Dübendorf

April, '21. University of Zurich At the very first URPP Mini Symposium at the University of Zurich, I presented for the very first time my new research: Effects of ecotype identity and diversity on the response of duckweed communities to salt stress.

Nov, '20. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton I gave a Departmental Seminar entitled Adaptation to the biotic and abiotic environment increases stability and functioning in grassland and freshwater ecosystems at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, Canada. Thanks to the grad students for inviting me!

Aug, '20. ESA annual meeting. I virtually contributed to the Organized Oral Session 54 on Data Challenges in Biodiversity Science and talked about the contribution of rapid evolution to ecosystem functioning and stability in a grassland biodiversity experiment (my PhD work!).

Dec, '19. BES Annual Meeting, Belfast Oral presentation in the "Community Ecology" session at the annual meeting of the British Ecological Society. I presented my paper in preparation on Freshwater Community Stability in Stressful Times. I had a great time at the meeting, catching up with many old friends and making wonderful new ones.

Oct, '19. EEL seminar, Redpath museum, Montreal I talked about my paper in preparation on Freshwater Community Stability in Stressful Times. It was great fun to present in the legendary Redpath seminar room in front of so many people I know.

Oct, '19. RIVE Seminar at the Université de Québec à Trois-Rivières It was such a pleasure and honor to have had the opportunity to present my PhD work and my postdoctoral research at the RIVE seminar series. Thanks to Prof. Raphaël Proulx for inviting me.

August, '19. CSEE Annual Meeting, Fredericton Oral presentation at Eco Evo Ento 2019 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. I presented my paper in preparation on Freshwater Community Stability in Stressful Times.

July, '19. URPP GCB Conference, Switzerland I gave an ignite talk (and present the corresponding poster) at the URPP GCB Conference in Monte Verita, Switzerland on Global Change and Biodiversity: Integrating the impact of earth and world drivers across scales. The title of my talk was Freshwater Community Stability in Stressful Times.

December, '18. QCBS Symposium, Montreal I presented some first results of LEAP 2018 about community stability and how it is influenced by acidification. Details about the Symposium you can find here

November, '18. Eco-Evolutionary Symposium at the Redpath Museum, Montreal I gave a short presentation about my PhD research on Community evolution in grassland communities.

February, '18. Biology18 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland I presented my thesis chapter about how community evolution influences community stability in a grassland biodiversity experiment.

December, '17. BES annual meeting in Ghent, Belgium I presented my thesis chapter about how community evolution influences community stability in a grassland biodiversity experiment.